Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Q4 evaluation
To answer my evaluation questions i have used a number of differnt products such as slideshare and prezi. I used these becuase it made the questions look better and more enjoyable to read.
Q3 Evaluation
To gian more audience feedback we followed a number of steps. Firstly we upload our documentary onto youtube. By doing this it meant that anyone in the world with comupter acess could watch our product. However no one commented on it but we did gain a number of views.

Secondly to help grater our feedback we asked a small number of 20 students to part take in watching our media product, after which we then asked them too fill in a questionnaire on their viwes apon the documentary as shown below:

Once we had our data we then tallied them as shown

Secondly to help grater our feedback we asked a small number of 20 students to part take in watching our media product, after which we then asked them too fill in a questionnaire on their viwes apon the documentary as shown below:

Once we had our data we then tallied them as shown
Radio script
Radio Script
Are you addictive to social networking sites?
Voxpop starting with “I use...” then a list of social networking sites.
Since the invention of the telephone in 1870 the way we communicate with each other is constantly changing?
(Voxpops of how people communicate)
Is social networking sites pushing out traditional ways of communication?
Find out just what is happening behind the changing faces of communication behind the high demand of new technology
Can you keep up with the pace?
Keep me posted, Tuesday 20th Decmember 8pm Channel 4
(Voxpops of how people communicate)
Is social networking sites pushing out traditional ways of communication?
Find out just what is happening behind the changing faces of communication behind the high demand of new technology
Can you keep up with the pace?
Keep me posted, Tuesday 20th Decmember 8pm Channel 4
Documentary script
Documentary script
Since the invention of the telephone in 1870 the way we communicate with each other is constantly changing. More and more devices are being developed allowing people to socially interact with each other all around the world. The most common of communicating now a days is through social networking sites, these play a crucial part in many peoples everyday lives.
At Weatherhead High School, E-learning has been established to help monitor the use of social networking by its pupils for their safety. At Weatherhead its E-learning coordinator Jules Arnold who undergoes procedures in order to keep students out of danger.
Mobile phones are increasingly being used for social networking. Many phones have apps built in to help people connect on the go. This is most used by teenagers and young people, as they’re the majority age group that use social networking sites.
Fans can keep up to date with bands and singers by looking at their page on social networking sites. Artists such as Justin Bieber and Esmee denters have used sites such as YouTube to escalate to fame. Local Wirral band Daywalker are also trying to do this to boost their career.
A major example of things being posted is the London Riots in August 2011.
Blackberry messenger was used to post riot meetings, to cause further violence and destruction to cities nationwide. Many people were arrested for helping organise the riots. We spoke to the chief of Merseyside Police who had to help combat the riots in Toxteth and other parts of Liverpool.
Since the invention of the telephone in 1870 the way we communicate with each other is constantly changing. More and more devices are being developed allowing people to socially interact with each other all around the world. The most common of communicating now a days is through social networking sites, these play a crucial part in many peoples everyday lives.
At Weatherhead High School, E-learning has been established to help monitor the use of social networking by its pupils for their safety. At Weatherhead its E-learning coordinator Jules Arnold who undergoes procedures in order to keep students out of danger.
Mobile phones are increasingly being used for social networking. Many phones have apps built in to help people connect on the go. This is most used by teenagers and young people, as they’re the majority age group that use social networking sites.
Fans can keep up to date with bands and singers by looking at their page on social networking sites. Artists such as Justin Bieber and Esmee denters have used sites such as YouTube to escalate to fame. Local Wirral band Daywalker are also trying to do this to boost their career.
A major example of things being posted is the London Riots in August 2011.
Blackberry messenger was used to post riot meetings, to cause further violence and destruction to cities nationwide. Many people were arrested for helping organise the riots. We spoke to the chief of Merseyside Police who had to help combat the riots in Toxteth and other parts of Liverpool.
Interview with teens
Today will filmed our short interviews with a selection of teenagers. We then upload our footage and watched it a number of times to check that such things as the lighting was good and the sound was clear.
Interview re done with Barry
Today we had to re film our interview with Barry out of the bank 'Daywalker' we had to do this because during our first filming the lighting changed and therefore the footage was not useable.
Teen questions
The questions we asked them were:
The first two were started questions:
1. What is your name?
2. What is your age?
3. What ways do you use to communicate?
4. Do you use social networking sites and why?
5. What is your favourite way to communicate?

This is our storyboard for our teens:
The first two were started questions:
1. What is your name?
2. What is your age?
3. What ways do you use to communicate?
4. Do you use social networking sites and why?
5. What is your favourite way to communicate?

This is our storyboard for our teens:
Interview: Barry Waring
Today we interviewed Barry the guitarist from a local Wirral band Daywalker. These are the questions we asked him
The first two were to get him into the flow of an interview
The first two were to get him into the flow of an interview
1. What is your name?
2. How long have you been a band?
The rest were the questions we used in our documentary3. What social networking sites do you use to promote your band?
4. Do you feel you have gained a greater fan base from using social networking sites?
5 Why do you use social networking sites to promote your band?
6. Because you’re a well known band, do you have to be careful what you post?
7. What ways do you use to communicate with your fans?
Interview questions for Jules
In todays lesson we where asked to come up with questions for our first interview :
3. During your profession would you say cyber bullying has increased due to the increase in social networking sites?
4. Giving statistics, would you say social networking sites are the catalysts of all cyber bullying problems?
These were the questions we asked Jules to answer so we could include them in our documentary;
1. What is your name?
2. How long have you worked in your profession?
2. How long have you worked in your profession?
3. During your profession would you say cyber bullying has increased due to the increase in social networking sites?
4. Giving statistics, would you say social networking sites are the catalysts of all cyber bullying problems?
5. Would you say that you have had to deal with more cases since the demand of mobile phones now having social networking sites installed?
6. What procedures have to put into place in school to cut down on cyber bullying? And have these worked from what you have seen/heard?
7. What age range does cyber bullying mainly effect?
8. How does inappropriate use of social networking effect teachers?
9. Do you think cyber bullying will get worse as the demand for social networking sites increase?
10. Are there procedures within schools were by teachers and staff can notify that the child is using social networking sites in an inappropriate manner?
11. Can you give us examples of safety cautions you have to look out for?
12. Have you had any re-training since starting your job due to the increase in social networking sites increasing?
13. Have you found, that since social networking sites have become more popular, people are talking face to face less and more through social networking sites?
14. How have social networking sites befitted your job?
15. What different resources have you created for pupils in schools through social networking sites?
16. How has social networking sites allowed the school to grow?
Interview with Jules Arnold
Today we filmed are biggest interview wiht Jules Arnold whom is a e-learing mentor within Weatherhead High School. We came in, in our day off . We then chose a place within the school were there was as little noise as possible. We set up the camera and mise en scene. After filming we then uploaded our footage and checked for a number of things such as lighting and sound.
Interview with Barry
Today we interviewed Barry Waring who is part of a local well known band 'Daywalker' . We went to his flat which has a sound studio within it therefore giving us a effective mise en scene. However when we watched our footage back after uplaoding it we could see that the lighting changed therefore meaning we will have to go back and re film
First draft of print advert
Below is the first draft of our groups print advert. However after looking at the finshed product our group decided that the advert did not really convay what our documentary was about so we decied to try another style.

Codes and Coventions of a radio Advert
.They last 30-40 seconds long
. sound effects are used.
. Narrator- standard English and his pitch and tone change
. Music that fits the style of the documentary
. Extracts from documentary in advert.
. Beginning needs to be really clear - grab audience's attention.
. Music bed needs to relate to topic, shouldn't over shadow voice.
. Intrigue audience
. Voiceover same as documentary.
. Voiceover is intercut.
. Hint as to what it is - create a link.
. Scheduling at end - different voice.
. Radio show and advert same theme and slogan - link.
. Can pose questions
. sound effects are used.
. Narrator- standard English and his pitch and tone change
. Music that fits the style of the documentary
. Extracts from documentary in advert.
. Beginning needs to be really clear - grab audience's attention.
. Music bed needs to relate to topic, shouldn't over shadow voice.
. Intrigue audience
. Voiceover same as documentary.
. Voiceover is intercut.
. Hint as to what it is - create a link.
. Scheduling at end - different voice.
. Radio show and advert same theme and slogan - link.
. Can pose questions
Codes and Conventions of a print advert
There is one main image which is eye-catching and strong, the image also creates a narrative.
Channel 4 logo is always on the right hand side, preferably in the middle so it doesn't get in the way of image.
. Red, white or black used for logo's.
. Colour from title links in with logo or part of image.
. Title has block behind it to stand out and spans halfway across the image.
. Either placed on top or bottom left of advert and contains the schedule in smaller font.
. Published in lower class working papers.
. Can be either landscape or portrait.
. Minimal amount of words to avoid boredom.
. Positioning statement.
. Image must show insight into what the documentary is about.
. Slogan needs to be short and catchy.
Below are some examples from channel 4 that we looked at:

Channel 4 logo is always on the right hand side, preferably in the middle so it doesn't get in the way of image.
. Red, white or black used for logo's.
. Colour from title links in with logo or part of image.
. Title has block behind it to stand out and spans halfway across the image.
. Either placed on top or bottom left of advert and contains the schedule in smaller font.
. Published in lower class working papers.
. Can be either landscape or portrait.
. Minimal amount of words to avoid boredom.
. Positioning statement.
. Image must show insight into what the documentary is about.
. Slogan needs to be short and catchy.
Below are some examples from channel 4 that we looked at:

moblie phone documentary
In this lesson we where asked as a group to make a short documentary :
From this task I feel i learnt alot within the making of a documentary. After looking back where would be a number of thigns i would change, firstly is the mise en scene during our interview that we did the background does not anchor at all as to what our product is about. The lighting also changed half way though and the sound levels from background noise was to high. However although i would change things it was my first time making a product like this and i am happy with the framing and questions asnwered.
Whilst filming we also took this shots of us setting up and some cut aways.
From this task I feel i learnt alot within the making of a documentary. After looking back where would be a number of thigns i would change, firstly is the mise en scene during our interview that we did the background does not anchor at all as to what our product is about. The lighting also changed half way though and the sound levels from background noise was to high. However although i would change things it was my first time making a product like this and i am happy with the framing and questions asnwered.
In this lesson we was asked to gave all of are research together for both primary and secondary. Below is some of how we did our primary resreah where we used both twitter and then we made our own shot film to contact some one that we wished to be in our documentary

here is the whole film that we sent to jamal edwards

here is the whole film that we sent to jamal edwards
Formal proposal
In this lesson we were asked as a group to write up our formal proposal. This is also follows :
Proposal for Documentary: social networking
Topic: Socail networking
Type of documentary: Mixed, open narrative and non-linear
Style of documentary: Informative and educational
Channel and Scheduling- We have chosen channel 4 due to it fitting perfectly with out target audience. Also, we are going to schedule it around 8pm due to receiving our questionnaire results back as 8 pm being the most popular.
Target audience: older teens and adults, age rage 16-35 years.
Primary ;
Jamal Edwards
Police man
Elliott (hollyoaks)
Secondary ;
Shots of facebook
Clips from movies
Narrative structure: Non linear
Outline of content:
Interview with Jamal Edwards
interview with police man
Changing faces of communication
Interview with Elliott
Voice-over talking about changing of social networking
Interview with blackberry
Resources requirements:
Voice recordings,
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